About Us
A Leading Golf Cart Repair Shop With 20 Years Of Experience
Arizona Golf Cart Repair is exclusively located in Arizona. Established with nineteen years’ experience, owner Mr. Viscardi combined family values and a history of well learned work ethics to his business operations. The entire dedicated staff contribute their gratitude and growing success towards loyal business owners and residential customers. Arizona Golf Cart Repair has changed the dynamics of your typical view of a Golf Cart appearance to a whole new level of creative proportions! Please click onto our Menu option and explore the many affordable services we offer. We aim to make your experience an easy and timely visit.

Visit Us
“Please contact or visit us today to have the Golf Cart of your dreams.”
Do you have paint jobs and body work?
We provide Custom building and refurbishing for your existing carts.
Get In Touch
5323 E. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85205